utilities for the Gwion project
▼ include | |
carg.h | Argument utilities |
cmdapp.h | |
container.h | Macros and meta-header for container types |
defs.h | Base definitions |
err_msg.h | Thread-safe console output |
gwcommon.h | |
gwion_print.h | |
gwion_text.h | Text structure and functions |
gwion_thread.h | Cross-platform thread functions |
gwion_util.h | Meta header (use this to include the whole library) |
hash.h | Hash table implementation and (near) generic set of macros |
m_vector.h | |
map.h | Map functions |
mp_string.h | String allocated with memory pool |
mp_vector.h | |
mpool.h | Memory pool |
prettyerr.h | |
scope.h | Scope functions |
symbol.h | Symbol table |
termcolor.h | |
threadpool.h | |
vector.h | Vector functions |
windows_missing.h | Implementation of function not present in windows |
xalloc.h | |
▼ src | |
carg.c | Simple argument utilities |
cmdapp.c | |
gwion_print.c | |
hash.c | |
m_vector.c | |
map.c | |
mp_vector.c | |
mpool.c | |
prettyerr.c | |
scope.c | |
symbol.c | |
termcolor.c | |
text.c | |
threadpool.c | |
vector.c |