utilities for the Gwion project
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 carg.hArgument utilities
 container.hMacros and meta-header for container types
 defs.hBase definitions
 err_msg.hThread-safe console output
 gwion_text.hText structure and functions
 gwion_thread.hCross-platform thread functions
 gwion_util.hMeta header (use this to include the whole library)
 hash.hHash table implementation and (near) generic set of macros
 map.hMap functions
 mp_string.hString allocated with memory pool
 mpool.hMemory pool
 scope.hScope functions
 symbol.hSymbol table
 vector.hVector functions
 windows_missing.hImplementation of function not present in windows
 carg.cSimple argument utilities