4 h->
table = (
void *)
xcalloc(((nmemb + 3) & 0xfffffffc),
void *));
9 for (
unsigned int i = h->
size + 1; --i;) {
10 void *s = h->
table[i - 1];
13 h->
table[i - 1] = NULL;
22 const unsigned char *s;
23 for (s = (
unsigned char *)s0; *s; ++s) h = h * 65599 + *s;
meta header (use this to include the whole library)
void hini(Hash h, const uint nmemb)
void hdel(const Hash h, void(*func)(MemPool, void *))
__attribute__((hot, pure))
ANN unsigned int hash(const m_str s0)
struct MemPool_ * MemPool
static ANEW void * xcalloc(const m_uint n, const m_uint sz)