N-Oscillator Drone

An interesting soundscape created by layering harmonics on top of a base frequency and offsetting every oscillator's pitch by a tiny amount.

#import Modules

fun void osc(float osc_freq, float total, float amp: .75) {
	var SawOsc sin ~> dac;

	osc_freq => sin.freq;
	amp / total => sin.amp;

	while (true)
		minute => now;

300   :=> const int total;            #! total oscillators to distribute over the number of harmonics
5     :=> const int harmonics;        #! number of harmonics to create based on the multiplication of the base frequency
0.005 :=> const float freq_variance;  #! frequency offset between oscillators
40    :=> const float base_freq;      #! base frequency to use for the harmonics
.75   :=> const float amp;            #! 0-1 gain

for (0 :=> var int j; j < harmonics; j++) {
	for (1 :=> var int i; i < (total / harmonics) + 1; i++) {
		((i * freq_variance) + j) + (base_freq * j) :=> const auto freq;
		spork osc(freq, total, amp);

		<<< "harmonic ${j + 1}/${harmonics} => osc ${i}/${total / harmonics} @ ${freq}Hz" >>>;

10::minute => now;

built with mdr and mdBook
You'll find the source here, Luke! note: privacy guards may interfere with the playground