A Gwion 'Hello, World'
Let's get started using gwion!
A simple example, step by step
We are going to write a typical Gwion Hello, World!
Prepare to make sound
In Gwion, a program typically makes sound.
Request needed plugin
Now we create a Sinusoidal generator
and connect it to thee audio output
stands for Digital to Audio Converter)
using the ~>
#import Modules
new SinOsc ~> dac;
class comes from theModules
Greet the world
Indeed, a Hello, world has to print something.
We do so using the gack operator (<<<
... >>>
<<< "Hello, World!" >>>;
Let time pass
Let's face it, we did not make any sound yet: No time passed, and if no time passed, there can't have been any sound. We can wait some time using
5::second => now;
Try it
Here is the complete example, editable and runnable.
Have fun!
#import Modules
<<< "Hello, World!" >>>;
new SinOsc ~> dac;
5::second => now;