Contributing Code

this is a stub for now, this place deserves better

You might be here because you found something you could improve in Gwion. Please open an issue describing the problem and how you might address it.


  • C compiler supporting C99 (ex- gcc, clang)
  • GNU Make

Fork the repository

You can do this through the github site, or command-line tools like gh or hub. See Further Reading.

Clone the source

Clone the url of your fork

git clone --recursive<your username>/Gwion

Set up the project

Edit some files

Edit some files with your favorite text editor

cd Gwion
vim src/path/to/file

Build the project


Test your changes

make test

Rebuild project (if required)

make -C util clean && make -C ast clean && make clean

Add your changes

git add path/to/changed/files

Let the world know

git commit -m "Something meaningful about why we are here"
git push

It is recommended that you follow our styleguide for commit messages

Submit a pull request

You can do this through the github site, or command-line tools like gh or hub. See Further Reading.

It is recommended you submit a PR to a branch other than master;

  • If a branch that directly concerns your specific PR is readily available, PR to that
  • Otherwise PR to dev

You can now sit back and wait for your pull request to be reviewed. If it's accepted, congrats! 🎉 You've made a contribution!

Further reading

For a more advanced info on contributing, check out @Chaser324's GitHub Standard Fork & Pull Request Workflow.

For a guide on making a pull request, there's github's Creating a pull request from a fork.

built with mdr and mdBook
You'll find the source here, Luke! note: privacy guards may interfere with the playground